Muršić v. Croatia (Application no. 7334/13)

A selection of key paragraph(s) can be found below the document.

135. It follows from the above that, when considering whether measures of compensation for the scarce allocation of personal space below 3 sq. m of floor surface in multi-occupancy accommodation are capable of rebutting the strong presumption of a violation of Article 3, the Court will have regard to factors such as: the time and extent of restriction; freedom of movement and adequacy of out-of-cell activities; and general appropriateness of the detention facility.

138. The strong presumption of a violation of Article 3 will normally be capable of being rebutted only if the following factors are cumulatively met:

(1) the reductions in the required minimum personal space of 3 sq. m are short, occasional and minor (see paragraph 130 above):

(2) such reductions are accompanied by sufficient freedom of movement outside the cell and adequate out-of-cell activities (see paragraph 133 above);

(3) the applicant is confined in what is, when viewed generally, an appropriate detention facility, and there are no other aggravating aspects of the conditions of his or her detention (see paragraph 134 above).

[Court then examines the case using these three steps as a test.]

172. The Court finds that there has been a violation of Article 3 of the Convention with regard to the period of twenty-seven days (between 18 July and 13 August 2010) in which the applicant disposed of less than 3 sq. m of personal space (see paragraph 153 above).


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