“My face burned as if on fire”: Unlawful use of force by Thailand’s police during public assemblies 2021 Arrest Detention and ProsecutionAsia-PacificBatons/TruncheonsCivil SocietyConditions of DetentionDispersal of AssemblyFreedom of AssociationFreedom of Peaceful AssemblyHuman Rights DefendersKinetic Impact Projectiles/Rubber bulletsLess-Lethal WeaponsMilitary in Law EnforcementNational SecurityPolice AccountabilityTear GasTorture and Ill-TreatmentUse of Firearms/MilitarizationUse of ForceUse of Lethal ForceWater Cannon 2021Country researchThailandUse of Force and Firearms Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Linkedin